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Anti-Corrosive Solutions

Calcium Chloride and Salt are used as de-icing agents on roads throughout North America. While these agents keep ice from forming and make driving safer,

it is extremely corrosive to the aluminum wheels, oil pans, and body parts on your vehicle.

The use of our anti-corrosion solutions will help prolong the life of your vehicle and its components.  

  • A salt neutralizer which will safely remove corrosive and harmful salt or calcium chloride build-up from road equipment, various surfaces and substrates.
  • Use of the Underbelly Wash system along with ConSalt, will prolong the life of your vehicle's undercarriage and components
  • Safe and easy to use
  • Connects to your existing pressure washer system
  • Prolong the life of your fleet with the use of the use of the Undercarriage Wash unit and ConSalt salt neutralizer
  • Use your pressure washer with a sandblasting head for an excellent cleanup of rust, paint, or corrosion without dust or warping.
  • Provides powerful corrosion protection and superior lubricating qualities

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